Jonas Luster Talks MMORPGs
Jonas Luster is man of many hats: video game designer, chef, opinionated loudmouth, humanitarian, peace keeper and now a father. In this expose, Jonas tells us a bit about the world of MMORPGs, something he’s intimately familiar with.
Episode links: Jonas Luster, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars
Exploring WonderCon 2009
For the first time ever, GETV heads over to WonderCon and Irina’s fears of growing up without coming books and not knowing enough about super heroes were allayed. Attacked by a hot baby-dyke version of the Joker, she is saved by hot baby-dyke Batman and Robin! She also hears “these aren’t the droids you’re looking for” and finds out exactly which droids you WERE looking for (the answer is after the credits. We also meet up with a Darth Vader and discover that the force of the dark side is strong on Twitter. WonderCon is a truly a wonder to behold. Go forth geeks and enjoy!
Episode links: WonderCon, A-1 Comics, Anthony Forrest, Ron Lim, Darth Vader on Twitter
Scandalous Twitter Habits: Part Two
We like Twitter so much, we’re bringing you a second installment of Hot Twitter Habits. Some might even say scandalous! We find out what a bunch of drunken San Francisco tweetizens had to say about twittering on the can, following and celebrity identities. You know you want to know. Watch, then reveal your Twitter habits to us in the comments.
Episode links: Twitter, TwestivalSF, @mutgoff, @afgascoigne, @sarahlane, @kevinrose, @wesmax27, @bostonita, @krystyl, @biz, @VirginAmerica, @medized, @dalelarson, @irinaslutsky
Hot Twitter Habits: Part One
Now that Twitter has hit the mainstream, let’s find out how the masses use their beloved service. In this first episode of two, we stop by the Twestival event to discover what some San Francisco tweetizens’ first Twitter posts were as well as how some use the service in more intimate of ways. You’ll need to watch to get the dirt. If you have no idea what any of this means, it’s time to come out of hibernation. The cave is a cold and lonely place. What was your first tweet? Tell us in the comments.
Episode links: Twitter, TwestivalSF, @mutgoff, @afgascoigne, @sarahlane, @kevinrose, @wesmax27, @bostonita, @krystyl, @biz, @VirginAmerica, @medized, @dalelarson, @irinaslutsky
Double D & the Spy Who Sorta Liked Me
If you happen to be a daily TWiT watcher, you may have caught Leo Laporte and Irina doing some improvisational sketch comedy. Leo and Irina are pretty wacky together, their imaginations flowing as freely as dry-erase markers on a whiteboard. All Leo knew was that Irina wanted to tie him to a chair and that she was a Russian spy interrogating him about his Emmy win, his streaking history and his status as the father of all media — all three are true facts that can be found on Leo’s wikipedia article. Enjoy the insanity!
Episode links: Leo Laporte, TWiT
Finding Geeks at the Adult Entertainment Expo
For the first time in GETV history, the crew went to the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas, canoodling with porn stars, directors and producers. Braving this new world, Irina scored an interview with uberstar Tera Patrick and her husband Evan Seinfeld. Tera, besides being so gorgeous that she’s hard to look at dead on, has a character in the video game Saints Row 2! And turns out Evan has done voices in the Grand Theft Auto franchise as well. Not only do they work in gaming, they also tell us what they like to play, taking us all the way back to PONG. Irina even recognized one male star! Evan Stone is the lead in both “Pirates I” and “Pirates II,” the most expensive films in the history of adult movies. Evan is a gamer geek and gives out his handle, so you guys can beat him on the joysticks. Then we find an up-and-coming porn star who’s on Twitter and wears fresh kicks, not clear platform shoes! Unfortunately for Irina, Justin Slayer did not come this year.
Episode links: Adult Entertainment Expo, Evan Stone, Tera Patrick, Evan Seinfeld, Stevie Hart, Satine Phoenix, Buck Angel, Nikki Jayne, Paul Thomas
Massage Release of CES 2009
GETV was invited by Intel to come to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, and we were happy to go. While every other new outlet was happy covering the Palm Pre (thinner than Nicole Ritchie, they say!) and the best blu-rays, GETV decided to go where the PEOPLE went! The most crowded booths at CES 2009 were the massage chair booths, so we sent our massage chair correspondend iJustine to scope out the best massage chair releases of 2009 and tech pundit Xeni Jardin gave us her input. Drew Carey provided some potical advice for Obama’s tech platform and Eric Lin was the naysayer in the group. If you think you know what happened at CES 2009, you have no idea.
Episode links: CES 2009, iJustine, Xeni Jardin, Drew Carey, Eric Lin
The Last Macworld Expo
We know there was some tech news at Macworld, but the only talk we heard was all about Steve Jobs’ absence from Apple’s party of the year and his fans’ speculation about his health. GETV is as grateful to Steve as any dedicated fanboy, but we still need to do our job = make you smile! We figured you already know about the 17-hour battery and all that, so here’s something that will remind you that Steve is pretty zen about this mortal coil and that this universe is a better place with him in it, whether this is the last Macworld or not.
Episode links: Macworld Expo
Interfacing with Aza Raskin
You may not know 24-year-old Aza Raskin’s name, but if you are reading this in a Firefox browser on a Mac then you should say a big huge thank you to his family. Aza’s late father Jef started the Macintosh project at Apple. YES. And Aza is the user interface designer at Mozilla Labs. Honestly, Irina doesn’t often find herself at a loss for jokes, but this guy was kind of hard to make fun of at first try! We’ll have to bring him back for sure. Aza is also the founder of Humanized, Inc., Songza, and Bloxes, and President of the Raskin Center for Humane Interfaces. And he likes puns, so leave some in the comments.
Episode links: Aza Raskin, Jef Raskin, Mozilla Labs, Humanized, Songza
Fog City Wrestling
If you’ve never seen muscle men in spandex, masks, tattoos and make up running around jumping on top of each other and screaming, you haven’t been to a wrestling show! After 30 years of downtime, San Francisco’s Fog City Wrestling promises a monthly dose of pro-wresting hijinks mixed with kitchy Mexican Lucha Libre with a splash of comic book antics. Istope comic store owner James Sime acted as commissioner and a part of the live show. GETV stopped by this weekend to witness the insanity, the hairless chests, the manly muscles, the screaming madness, the high-flying tricks, the body slams, the dropkicks, and the flying sweat. Irina enjoyed herself perhaps a bit much as she interviewed the roster of Fog City’s wrestlers. If “geek” means having a deep passion for something, then these guys are wrestling geeks for sure. If you can’t make it to Fog City’s live wrestling show on Jan 10, watch the livestream on their site. The organizers also post their audio and video podcast on the site, including promos and interviews with wrestlers from the roster. See you on the mat!
Episode links: Fog City Wrestling, NY Knockout, Tony Drake, Oliver John