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Posted in by ekai on the December 20th, 2005

How often do you publish a new episode?

We aim for 2-3 times a week, depending on real world constraints. Roughly Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or maybe Tuesday and Thursday.

Who are you?

GETV was founded by Irina Slutsky and Eddie Codel. Irina is a writer, blogger and bubble know-it-all who once covered bubble 1.0 stories for a big Internet magazine that still publishes today. Eddie is a contract systems geek by day, conference organizer, people connector and robot lover.

Where are you?

We are based in San Francisco, the heart of the bubble. Is there anywhere else? We do like to travel and find snarkable material at conferences, launch parties, meetups, camps, behind enemy lines and wherever else the bubble feeds. If you know of an event we should cover, drop us a line.

Who are some of the awesome people who’ve helped you out?

Many people have helped to make GETV whatever it is today. Mad delicious props go out to: Father Boris, Lance Arthur, Violet Blue, Josh Kinberg, Jennifer Myronuk, Sarah Pullman, Eran Globen, Ryan King, Scott Beale, Eric Rice, Irene McGee, Jason Schupp and Doc Searls.

You interview some real hotties. Where can I see more of them?

Many of the hotties we’ve interviewed have profiles on, an awesome web two oh-y dating site. Here’s a random sampling.

How can I help?

We love that question. Spread the word. Tell your friends. Blog about us. Bring us more eyeballs. Buy a t-shirt! Maybe you’ve got some extra stuff lying around? Check our wish list and see what we’re looking for.

Hey, I saw other GETV video floating around out there. What’s that about?

We have a group on YouTube where we post all kinds of stuff that doesn’t wind up as an episode. Stuff like outtakes, our GETV Turns 1000 party footage, Canadian BBQ interviews and who knows what. We’ll keep adding to it. If you want to take any of it and do a GETV Behind the Videoblog, I’m sure we’d be most impressed. And we have t-shirts.

One Response to 'FAQ'

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  1. Grif McRenolds said,

    on March 14th, 2009 at 3:32 pm

    What are GETV's ratings? Is there a way to measure viewership ?