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McVlogger Daniel McVicar Wants You to Make Media

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the October 21st, 2006

When our new boss Rorbert Scoble said he’d had dinner with a great vlogger who’s also “some guy who’s on a soap opera,” Irina’s ears perked up.  Turns out he’s on a soap opera that Irina and her sister have watched since the beginning. (“Vera, why they show same movies every day from noon to 4 pm on every channel?”) Needless to say, when said vlogger and UBERSTAR Daniel McVicar offered to co-host the Vloggies, Irina nearly fake-fainted. Not only has Daniel played almost-evil but ultra-hot soap stud Clarke Garrison for two decades on CBS’ The Bold and the Beautiful, he’s also hosted at least three Ms. Europe pageants so he knows award shows! What we like best about Daniel McVicar is that he brings his amazing wisdom and experience of old skool tv media into the new without taking himself too seriously — and this makes us respect him and want to learn from him! Imagine that — is it some kind of zen buddhism thing where being humble gives you the authority that is truly yours? Anyway, Daniel has managed to win the hearts of the vlogosphere with a wink and a nod on The McVlog and even Ze Frank has a bit of the old vlogger crush on the chesty hunk. Daniel is opening his show to the viewers with his newly released Late Night Mash so send him your clips and see what he does with ’em.

Episode links: Daniel McVicar, The McVlog, Chinese Backstreet Boys, Late Night Mash, Vloggies, Vloggies and Room Keys

9 Responses to 'McVlogger Daniel McVicar Wants You to Make Media'

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  1. Steve Woolf said,

    on October 21st, 2006 at 11:13 am

    As I will continue to tell all videobloggers, we “discovered” Daniel McVicar. 😉

    It’s been great watching McVlog evolve the past few months. But Ernesto knows the true secret of Dan’s success in the vlogosphere… SEXINESS, baby.

  2. Clintus said,

    on October 21st, 2006 at 11:21 am

    Great show. I’ve just recently found the McVlog and really enjoy it. Thanks for the interview.

  3. Enric said,

    on October 21st, 2006 at 12:51 pm

    I really liked this video. It was very natural and honest.

  4. on October 21st, 2006 at 1:07 pm

    […] here we have irina asking the obvious question: “why would anyone so famous so beautiful so SUCCESSFUL as you want to videoblog?!” oh, yeah, and here is the permalink for the whole video, with the whole context. […]

  5. on October 21st, 2006 at 2:50 pm

    I “discovered” Dan McVicar at BlogHer.

    Smart men attend BlogHer.

  6. on October 21st, 2006 at 4:57 pm

    […] gotten to know Daniel McVicar a bit over the past month and think he’s a lot of fun. When we first had dinner I had no idea he was an internationally-famous soapstar. Hey, I don’t watch those things. But Irina gushed when she learned I had dinner with him. She has a funwith him on Geek Entertainment TV where he talked about his Late Night Mash show. He’s gonna make us all stars. But can we all get on GETV? Filed under: Vlogging @ 5:56 pm# […]

  7. on October 22nd, 2006 at 2:00 am

    This was an excellent interview!!
    I am gonna link you guys up over at my place…
    Just came across you via the yahoo group…

    Love the accent!!

  8. Daniel said,

    on October 22nd, 2006 at 10:29 am

    Thanks Irina, it was a good interview. Thanks to everyone for your kind support. It seems like the vloggin community is adopting as a place to mash it up. Thanks, and I am dedicated to giving you the tools that you need for that. Let me know what you would like me to add to the site, or how you may want to see it organized.

    Looking forward to the Vloggies

  9. on October 22nd, 2006 at 3:29 pm

    I’ve got to get myself a camera or one of those camera cell phones so I can be a pioneer vlogger too.